Upcoming Events


'Here Come the Sun' Plant Pop-Up   |  Tacoma, WA

When: January 31st (5pm-10pm), and February 1-2 (9am-5pm)
Emerald City Orchids (4734 South Tacoma Way, Tacoma, WA 98409)

Rare tropical aroids (anthuriums, monstera, alocasia, philodendron), warm and cool growing orchids, rare nepenthes and terrarium plants, setups, and more!


- Preview Night Party (Jan 31st) -

Come kick off our pop-up with a fun filled evening of food, drinks, and first choice access to the entire pop-up inventory. Our 20% off sale starts this evening as well. Tickets for this evening event can be purchased here.


- Open House (Feb 1st and 2nd) -

Shop wonderful plants from all of our vendors and take 20% off your purchase. The perfect time to come check out the greenhouse with family and friends and see what's new!



Chlorophyll Collective Pop-Up  |  Tacoma, WA

When: Saturday, February TBD @9am-1pm
Soulberry Coffee House (2310 Court A, Tacoma, WA 98402)

Monthly plant pop-up featuring local vendors around the Greater Seattle Area! Hoyas, aroids, terrarium plants, plant supplies, and more.

Current vendor list includes: Grandma Grows, Hoya Hoards, Mizu Mori, and Variegated Vibes.

For more information about Chlorophyll Collective: Facebook Group



Indoor Plant Festival  |  Lynnwood, WA

When: March 22nd and 23rd @10am - 3pm
Lynnwood Event Center (3711 196th Street Southwest, Lynnwood, WA, 98036)

Hosted by the Northwest Orchid Society (NWOS), this show is a plant collector's dream! Featuring the best in the business - both domestic and international plant vendors!

For more information, visit www.nwos.org/events/2025-indoor-plant-festival


2025 Orchid Show and Sale  |  Spokane, WA

When: April 12th @11am-5pm and 13th @10am-3pm
Spokane Community College, Lair (1810 N. Greene St., Spokane, WA 99207)

Hosted by the Spokane Orchid Society.

For more information, visit www.spokaneorchids.org




Floating Terrarium Workshop

When: Saturday, January 11th @6:30pm

Location: The Plant Store (1213 Pine St., Seattle, WA 98101)

Cost: $40/person

Class Length: 1 hour


Up for a challenge? Then this class is for you! Take a deep dive into the science, classifications, and more about moss and what makes this keystone genus so important to our ecosystem. We will then challenge you to make a mossarium without a traditional layer of soil! You will also learn how to care for your creation at home.

This class will be taught by Michael from Mizu Mori. He specializes in Japanese-based aesthetic and technique which is unique to the hobby.

The price of the class includes all of the materials that you will need to take a complete 'floating mossarium' home with you. Glassware not included, 'floating mossarium' only. There are no additional costs associated with this class.

Cancellations made within 48 hours of purchase will receive a full refund. Cancellations made after 48 hours will not be eligible for a refund. 

For more information, click here!


Wabi-Kusa Workshop

When: Saturday, January 18th @6:30pm

Location: The Plant Store (1213 Pine St., Seattle, WA 98101)

Cost: $65/person

Class Length: 1 hour


Discover the wild and beautiful nature of Wabi-Kusa, a style of Japanese plant arrangement. Create your own Wabi-Kusa and learn about how to care for it at home. This class is perfect for beginners and plant enthusiasts!

This class will be taught by Michael from Mizu Mori. He specializes in Japanese-based aesthetic and technique which is unique to the hobby.

This workshop includes everything you need to make a Wabi-Kusa. Display in a glass vessel or water dish to add a touch of elegance to your home with your new living art piece!

The price of the class includes all of the materials that you will need to take a complete Wabi-Kusa home with you. Glass vessel or water dish not included, Wabi-Kusa only. There are no additional costs associated with this class.

Cancellations made within 48 hours of purchase will receive a full refund. Cancellations made after 48 hours will not be eligible for a refund. 

For more information, click here!


Floating Terrarium Workshop

When: Saturday, February 8th @6:30pm

Location: The Plant Store (1213 Pine St., Seattle, WA 98101)

Cost: $40/person

Class Length: 1 hour


Up for a challenge? Then this class is for you! Take a deep dive into the science, classifications, and more about moss and what makes this keystone genus so important to our ecosystem. We will then challenge you to make a mossarium without a traditional layer of soil! You will also learn how to care for your creation at home.

This class will be taught by Michael from Mizu Mori. He specializes in Japanese-based aesthetic and technique which is unique to the hobby.

The price of the class includes all of the materials that you will need to take a complete 'floating mossarium' home with you. Glassware not included, 'floating mossarium' only. There are no additional costs associated with this class.

Cancellations made within 48 hours of purchase will receive a full refund. Cancellations made after 48 hours will not be eligible for a refund. 

For more information, click here!